“We encourage  reconnection and remembrance, restoration and regeneration, a resensitization to authentic Self and the Natural World that surrounds.”

— Sarah Rigano

Inspired by the seasons and a deep connection to and appreciation of the profound healing frequencies of the natural world, Vibrational Designer Sarah Rigano of FORM + LIGHT creates sacred spaces for the transformation and realization of higher consciousness. 

Having spent close to a decade furthering sustainable design within the fashion and home industries for the likes of CFDA award-winning brands and Fortune 500 companies, Sarah was called in 2011 to a journey of realization that led to her initiation in a range of Earth based wisdom traditions and healing modalities, including: Andean Shamanism (as a full Mesa carrier), Masters in Usui and Shamanic Reiki, Energy Medicine, Stonalism and Quantum Sound Healing. 

Calling upon her intuitive gifts and the potency of the land, she creates beautiful, intentional openings for greater physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, through custom channeled one on one sessions and immersive, multi-layered energetic experiences. Sarah co-creates with individuals, couples, or groups seeking a renewed sense of balance, connection and purpose at SkyRise Farm in Millerton, NY, a 50 acre working regenerative farm and sanctuary space honoring the Divine interconnection of all things- celestial and terrestrial, seen and unseen.  


“To the Wise Ones, the Mentors, Healers, Teachers,Way-Showers and Elders I have been blessed to work with upon my journey – infinite gratitude for your wisdom and presence, for the gifts and initiations bestowed upon me, for opening my eyes and illuminating the way. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

— Sarah Rigano

SkyRise Farm is located amid the storied Hudson Valley, on close to 50 acres along the Northeast corner of Dutchess County in Millerton, N.Y., upon what we acknowledge to be ancestral and unceeded Mahican lands. 

Held by the rise of the Berkshires to the East, with unparalleled views of  the Taconics and the Catskills to the West, the property is a mix of varied ecosystems and terrain, featuring forests, fields, meadows, mountains, a waterfall, ponds, streams and abundant wildlife and winged beings. A working farm, SkyRise is part of ongoing regenerative efforts based in sustainable principles and rewilding initiatives under the stewardship of Vibrational Designer Sarah Rigano of FORM + LIGHT.

Established in 2018 as a sanctuary of reconnection and remembrance following the sudden death of Sarah’s younger sister Lisa, the intention of the farm is to create a sacred space where one can feel seen, held and most importantly, unalone. Where those called to the land can ground deeply, return to balance and recognize the grand interconnection between all things. Where they can be witnessed by compassionate community, held abundantly upon the Earth and reminded how their uniquely embodied presence is endlessly vital and absolutely necessary within the web of life.

As we navigate a time of great change and upheaval, a moment where many feel disconnected from personal truths and absolute truths held within the Natural World, a moment where dissonance and disillusionment is plaguing many of brightest among us, we are asking big questions and seeking bigger answers.

We stand future-facing, committed to elevating creative practices, spiritual practices, ecological practices, agricultural practices, ancient practices interpreted for the now, that spark a remembrance, a sense of renewal and resilience, curiosity and wonder- profound openings to greater physical, mental, emotional and energetic well-being for the benefit of All. 


“The answers of our time exist in Nature.”

— Sarah Rigano

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We deeply honor and pay tribute to the lineage of SkyRise Farm, bowing to the Spirits of the Land and the Ancestors and Elders who came before, acknowledging that we are situated on the unceded and ancestral homelands of the Muh-he-con-ne-ok, the Peoples of the Waters that Are Never Still, the Mahican Nation, the first stewards of these fertile grounds and the surrounding Shekomeko Valley.